I had left for Asia, thus the commencement of my nomadic life in early 2009. In mid to late 2010 I returned to my native country of Canada to clear up some loose ends and finalize the selling of my condo in Toronto. As memory serves me, the transition was easy. I flew in, I hung out for approximately one month and I left elated. However, in August 2012, roughly ten weeks after I landed on North American soil, I’m writing you, feeling like a freak (in my parents’ basement…which doesn’t help matters).
In a previous piece, Re-Entry Shock: Feeling Like A Foreigner In Your Native Country, I detailed my experience. What I didn’t realize at the time was how long this aberration would persist.
No new re-entry shock discoveries, no new silly anecdotes on the subject, merely a continuation of the experience and a lot of bad television. This, meaning the latter, is in some ways, progress. Previously, meaning the first two weeks out of Asia, the two weeks I sat on my brother’s couch in southern California in freezing confusion, I had thought the same shows were delightful.
What does this all mean? It means I’m slowly coming back into my own and for you the reader, it means you can expect upcoming content that is in typical MBSB fashion. I may be off Thai soil but I still have a load to write about my experiences there. For those of you who are nak muays, I’ll also be focusing a lot on the How To-s of training over there. Not to mention, all the new content I’ll find along my way.
In the meantime, a picture of faux hanging Canadian meat.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Read the last memoir, The Nomadic Life – Boxed In, here.
For Thailand solo travel and safety tips, in addition to Thailand information you won’t find in traditional tourist guides, please visit my post Tips For Women Traveling To Thailand.
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