Hello! Hello!
Three days at the Duenshine Resort in Kanchanaburi. Very secluded and mostly empty. I love this aspect. Partying is cool, but I find for the most part, partying bores me, it has become cliche. Not partying in itself, just more the form partying seems to take more often than not despite which city or country I’m in. Too repetitive. Little depth. The last three days were spent lazing about. A lot of time exploring the grounds, tapping into the rhythms of the place and introspection. I needed the break.
I can feel change brewing inside of me, although at this point in time, I have little idea which form or direction it may take. I seem to be drawn to many paths and the time spent feeling out areas capped with silence at the Duenshine is timely.
Bangkok tomorrow.
Enjoy the photos.
♥ ldf
The Duenshine Resort review here.

More photos here.
Read the next memoir, Notes From The Road – Bangkok, here.
Read the previous memoir, From Tak To Nakhon Sawan To Suphanburi To Kanchanaburi, here.
For Thailand hotel reviews, travel information and tips, check out Backpacking Thailand, my free Thailand resource.
This place looks so peaceful.
it totally was.