The last day of my travel adventure fun lands in Bangkok. I’ll stay nineteen hours in total til I leave for Buriram. It’s 9:53 pm and I’m enjoying the luxury of my hotel room: a kitchen (I’m not going ot use it, but who cares), soft lighting and a couch/loveseat. Three and a half years in Thailand (total) and I don’t remember staying anywhere with a kitchen and/or couch (Correction. My friend’s old apartment in BKK…twice? Three times?). I’ve been living mostly as the Thais (or rather, many Thais) do, I cook and eat on my floor (rice cooker and sukiyaki hook up) and for the first two plus years I slept on it. So this people, is ultra luxury. Bonus points for the coffee table and ENGLISH television that isn’t painful. Boring? Baaaahhhhh….I’m cutting this short so I can curl up on that vinyl seating, (if I can stop wiggling with excitement). Could be the loads of candy I just binged on as well….Perfect.
Loads of photos, etc. coming up in future posts. We hit a few unexpected places of beauty, places I didn’t realize existed. Hope you all enjoy what’s coming ahead. In the meantime there is the TV, TV that I would never watch while I lived in Canada, that I”m currently thankful for and I find oddly brilliant. I’m going to enjoy this while it lasts.
Buriram in the morning.
XO and wiggles,
The Regent Suvarnabhumi Hotel review here.

Above: Hajuku Biscuits. Crunchy little monkey heads that ooze chocolate when you squish them. Seven to a pack!

Above: Just as I was finishing this post….Law and Order. I didn’t even care if it was an episode I had previously watched. Including, that day.

Read the next memoir, Weird Moments Adapting From Thailand To The Philippines, here.
Read the previous memoir, The Duenshine Resort, Kanchanaburi, here.
For Thailand hotel reviews, travel information and tips, check out Backpacking Thailand, my free Thailand resource.
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