The previous piece in this series focused on assisting you to save money to train muay thai in Thailand; this installment will help you make money to fund your muay thai training. Take from the list what you will and adapt anything to suit your needs. Create something new and let us know about it. Here we go... Ways To Make Money To Train Muay Thai In Thailand 1. Sell What You Neither Need Nor Care About I began with what I wanted and needed the least and continued. Check out the piece I wrote on how to declutter and sell your things to learn about the process. 2. Sublet/Rent Out Your Home Find someone to … [Read more...]
How To Declutter And Make Money To Travel
My first trip to Thailand in 2007 lasted six months. Previously I had traveled twice to Cuba in addition to number of other North American locations, mainly in the U.S.. I predominately traveled to see bands. I was the person that would get a call and be asked, "Hey, we're playing in Whatever City next month. A bunch of people are coming out. You should come." And off I'd go with a crew. Sometimes we slept on someone's floor, if I was lucky I got a couch or an extra bed. A number of additional trips were to visit people I'd met in various locations. I wasn't well traveled in the traditional sense. Deciding to spend six months in another country was the result of … [Read more...]
19 Ways To Save Money To Train Muay Thai In Thailand
In my previous post, Determining Your Budget, you were given steps to analyze your current financial situation and to estimate the total cost of training Muay Thai in Thailand. The following will help you bridge the gap between the amount of money you currently save and the estimated total cost of training in Thailand on your terms. For those of you joining the discussion now and/or those of you who weren't inclined to complete the previous exercise, the following will set a basic foundation to help you save money to train in Muay Thai Thailand. The Basics Redefine Your Concept Of Need Want and need are very different, … [Read more...]
Training Muay Thai In Thailand: Determining Your Budget
For some of you, determining your budget to train muay thai in Thailand will establish where you'll train and for how long. For others, fleshing out a budget is the next step of your process - you've already realized what it is you want, what you can handle and the length of time you'll dedicate to training in Thailand. For many of you, your financial situation will be the deciding factor of training in Thailand at all. This segment, Determining Your Budget is Part 1 of a series dedicated to your finances. Pay attention. Identify Where Your Money Is Going Write down every bit of money you spend, lend, lose and/or have stolen for at least one … [Read more...]
Living The Dream Math
You have dreams. If you're reading this and not following them, I'll chance that finances are (among the things) holding you back. You may not think you have the cash. For some of you, this is a reality. For others, it's a perception. From the time I was ready to follow my dreams and to this day, I've crossed paths with sour faced people who declare that "it must be nice to have the money". I love hearing this from those who have no dependents and make more money than I ever did. Particularly if they have a drink in their hand. How much is that drink worth? *Prices are based on a Toronto, Ontario, Canada median at time of … [Read more...]
My eyes were swollen as were my lips. Cracked. Eczema ridden. Itching. The irritation made speaking difficult and caused tears I couldn't control to fall from my eyes and further irritate the red, scaling skin. My joints hurt. I couldn't control my weight despite eating a clean, organic filled diet and training regularly. I had lost my body and felt with it, the fundamental right of control over my destiny. It's difficult to follow your dreams when you fear that which you can't identify. That which others say doesn't exist. I had no power over the physical characteristics of my suffering as I didn't know the cause. I had visited a number of doctors, of … [Read more...]
I still can't bring myself to title this entry what it deserves to be, THE MILLIONAIRE FASTLANE, after the personal finance book written by MJ DeMarco. The title, the marketing, the claims to get rich quick, all of it scream, "Walk away. Just, walk, walk away." I fear the cover alone would burn a hole in my hand. Having experienced approximately one year of employment in the world of radio advertising and marketing (and sub sequentially having it end as being the only job I was ever fired from) coupled with reading a lot of media theory books, I consider myself a hard sale. I don't see ads on websites, I close pop ups instantly, I'll pick out product placement in movies … [Read more...]