The following photo series of samurai masks is the second installment of a series made in response to visiting The Metropolitan Museum of Art's Arms and Armour department. The first installment is on samurai armour. The masks evoke something otherworldly to me. While working on this series, I kept imagining them coming into light through smoke and mist; a merging of the ethereal and the physical. About Samurai Masks Samurai masks were made primarily of iron and/or leather and were often finished with lacquer to offer protection from the elements and to enhance the beauty and craftsmanship of the piece. The masks were worn to protect the face … [Read more...]
Samurai Armour From The Edo Period (1603 – 1867)
On my most recent trip to New York I spent the better part of two days at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, the greater part of my first day being spent in its Arms and Armour department. The museum boasts a Japanese collection that is considered to be the most complete outside of Japan.¹ The following series on concentrates primarily on the Edo period - this wasn't intentional, it just seemed to happen that way. Shooting the following photos proved to be an interesting task. I'm an amateur in all aspects of the process. My post production play tends to be a sort of let's see what happens when I do this in Photoshop type of process mixed with a hey, I wonder if there's a … [Read more...]
Interview With Artist SeanFuckingGammon
SeanFuckingGammon is a Canadian artist based in Windsor, Ontario. I thought I'd catch up with him. First off, we've known one another for a seriously long time and I suspect I'm among others who had no idea you not only were into creating art, but that you were talented as well. There seemed to be nothing, then there was madness. You were pumping out pieces at an alarming rate and you don't seem to have slowed down. Am I right here? How and when did this all begin? Let's see...when we were back in university together, way too long ago, I had my heart set on becoming a writer. So I wrote and wrote and wrote for years and years and years. And never really shared any … [Read more...]
Introducing Thailand’s Spanky
XO Everyone! Check out Spanky's MySpace page here. … [Read more...]