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Greg Spencersays
My first visit to Tulum Mexico changed my life. The yr. was 1976 . I had a steady job and thought I had to work to buy a house a new car all that stuff. My girl set me straight. In January in Colorado it is very cold, she said she new a place at the beach were the water was warm and we could camp for free with some Maya people . I thought about for a minute I was 25 yrs. So away we went to Tulum . Stayed one month on a beach with no other tourist. I decided to live my life different. Now I live most the yr. in Tulum. It has a few more people but still the same vibe. I found it is easy to live on very little do not buy a lot of stuff. I go to same beach I was at 40 yrs. ago and see tourist say they wish they could stay longer than a week. It is possible to be free !
Greg Spencer says
My first visit to Tulum Mexico changed my life. The yr. was 1976 . I had a steady job and thought I had to work to buy a house a new car all that stuff. My girl set me straight. In January in Colorado it is very cold, she said she new a place at the beach were the water was warm and we could camp for free with some Maya people . I thought about for a minute I was 25 yrs. So away we went to Tulum . Stayed one month on a beach with no other tourist. I decided to live my life different. Now I live most the yr. in Tulum. It has a few more people but still the same vibe. I found it is easy to live on very little do not buy a lot of stuff. I go to same beach I was at 40 yrs. ago and see tourist say they wish they could stay longer than a week. It is possible to be free !