Buriram City, home of Khmer ruins, homemade silk, and Muay Thai will now be bringing you the first ever Muay Thai Expo. Scheduled for 4-7 October, the Expo will take place at the Chang International Circuit in Buriram City. Getting people out of the bustling metropolis that is Bangkok, this event will offer a refreshing change of scenery, and a warm welcome from the locals.
Buriram is known for producing the most Muay Thai champions per capita, making it the perfect place to host the Muay Thai Expo. The event will take place over the course of four days and will feature Wai Kru demonstrations by local schools and will have kiosks that include everything Muay Thai, from historical memorabilia to merchandise for sale. The one and only Saenchai, along with other elite fighters, will also be on hand giving out Muay Thai lessons.
On the second day of the expo, guests in attendance will be treated to the highlight of the event— live Muay Thai action, with some of the most celebrated fighters on the Bangkok stadium scene set to compete. It will also feature an exhibition match, dubbed ‘The Legend of Muay Thai’ between Olympic Gold medalist Somrak Khamsing and golden era champion Samart Payakaroon.
The event is hosted by the Tourism Authority of Thailand, the Sports Authority of Thailand, and the Kru Muay Association. The the expo will coincide with the Thailand’s first ever MotoGP also at Chang International Circuit.
Event organizers are expecting over one thousand international visitors, in addition to the myriad locals attending. This year will mark the first time MotoGP makes its way to Thailand. MotoGP is the world’s number one motorcycle road-racing championship with more than one million fans in Thailand alone.
Come enjoy a variety of activities associated with both Muay Thai and the MotoGP. For those that truly love the art of eight limbs, this is an event not to be missed! Admission for the Muay Thai Expo and the PTT Thailand Motorcycle Grand Prix exhibition area is 200 Baht per day. Those holding a PTT Blue Card are entitled to a 25% discount.
Don’t forget, 4-7 October at the Chang International Circuit in Buriram from 10:00 to 20:00 daily. More details to follow. For more information, please visit: https://www.facebook.co
For more information on Buriram:
How to book a hotel or guesthouse in Buriram
How to travel around Buriram City
After receiving a Muay Thai scholarship to train at a prominent gym in Northern Thailand, Watthanaya packed her bags at 19 leaving home with a one way ticket. She ended up however at a Bangkok street gym affiliated with Sor. Thanikul and married one of the fighters. They took off for Khorat and Watthanaya fought her way through Issan. Now, with a degree in tote, a four year old daughter, and a passion to fight again, she is back. Connect with Frances Watthanaya on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.
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