Welcome to the first of the MBSB interviews.
I met Golden Camp Muaythai owner Rudy Agustian while visiting Sitmonchai Gym. The following interview was conducted on October 9.

Rudy and I had a fun time trying to find a time when the gym was quiet, the lighting was good, and the mosquitoes weren’t on the hunt. The following is a bit unpolished, but fairly true to life at a gym, interruptions and all.
This was a set-up-the-camera-on-a-muay-thai-pad-and-electrolyte-box-click-and-run production. Two takes and the gym came back to life. You’re getting Take One.
I want to thank Rudy for allowing me to conduct this interview. Supastar.
Golden Camp Muaythai
Ruko Orange dot com No 23 (This is the name of the building.)
Gading Serpong, Tangerang
***September 5, 2013 Update***
Golden Camp Muaythai’s new location is:
Inside Pelita Harapan Univercity, beside the soccer field,
Hours of Operation: 9:00 am – 9:00 pm (Drop in anytime time between those hours.)
Training Fees: $50 USD for 8 private sessions with a trainer
Women Welcome
Twitter: @GoldenCMuaythai
Facebook: Golden Camp Muaythai
Pak Rudy, saya tertarik berlatih Muay Thai akan tetapi agak kesulitan mengatur waktu untuk datang ke Gym bapak sehinga saya berpikir untuk mengambil kelas privat. Apakah hal ini memungkinkan yaitu pelatih bapak datang ketempat saya? Lokasi tempat saya di BSD jadi tidak terlalu jauh dari camp training bapak, kira-kira berapa biaya latihan privat (perkiraan untuk 8 kali pertemuan).
Terimakasih atas perhatiannya,
Hallo pak charles. Maaf baru balas krn ini website luar jd ak jrg liat
Bapak bisa hub no saya 08176969764. Sy ada beberapa private jg
Di daerah bsd..
Rudy Agustian