Update Februrary 2, 2015:
It has been years since I’ve seen Kayasith fight and as far as I’m currently aware of, he has retired from Muay Thai. During my approximate year at Chuwattana gym in Bangkok, Kayasith was my favourite fighter to watch. His intelligence in the ring was nothing short of beautiful to me. I caught him in the latter years of his fight career and have never been able to find footage of Kayasith as a young fighter. I’m happy to provide at least a peak into his fighting with the footage in this piece and in a previous piece on his fight against Petmahachon Kiatsorranan.
I apologize for the quality of the footage. I arrived in Thailand with a camera I got for free via collecting points on my Air Miles card – I didn’t have to score a lot of points to get the camera…..In retrospect, although I have a number of Chuwattana fights still on file that I haven’t published on either this site or YouTube, I wish I had filmed so many more. At the time, I was so much more interested in immersing myself in daily life rather than capturing it, in addition to saving every penny I had so I could stay and train in Thailand as long as possible. I suppose those are possibly the best reasons ever to not have nearly as much documentation as I would like to have.

Kayasith Chuwattana (RED) 119lbs
Petake Look Bor. Gor (BLUE) 119lbs
Rajadamnern Stadium, October 1, 2009
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