Well, sort of, depending how vivid your imagination is prone to be. See the rubber doorstop as a tiny light substitute you won’t have to feed or bathe and it’ll have your back when you’re sleeping without expecting any attention in return. How may you ask? Shove it under your door from the inside, while the door is shut. Pretty simple and it should deter any scumbag from trying to sneak into your room unexpectedly and silently (i.e. someone with a key). Should the perpetrator be an aggressive scumbag, then your little doorstop pet may allow you those precious extra seconds to wake up, skip out a window, scream, and/or grab whatever beautifully evil device you’ve decided to protect yourself with. Raaawwwr.
For Thailand solo travel and safety tips, in addition to Thailand information you won’t find in traditional tourist guides, please visit my post Tips For Women Traveling To Thailand.
hehe, i like that one!