Thai massages generally last two hours and during that time multiplied by a few visits, you can get to know a lot about the person administering the massage, and them about you. It’s sort of reminiscent of getting your hair cut in the West.
Today, as I sat with my legs crossed and head bent, signifying the end of my massage, my massage lady rubbed my back softly and in the tone one uses when one wants to impart wisdom and comfort said,
“You have the soul of a man but the body of a woman.”
Her hands paused and she squeezed my shoulder blades lightly.
“If you’re good/do well, in your next life you will be born a man.”
She then patted my back reassuringly.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Read the next memoir, Changes – Finding A New Muay Thai Gym, here.
Read the last memoir, Western Mind, Eastern Mind And The Space In Between, here.
For Thailand solo travel and safety tips, in addition to Thailand information you won’t find in traditional tourist guides, please visit my post Tips For Women Traveling To Thailand.
I think being in your shoes, I probably would have taken that as a compliment. Even in Western society, comparisons to men are more accepted then those to women. I like to think that it’s a comment based on strength, willfullness and ability to survive. Women are strong creatures as well, but our strength seems to only be recognized in terms of child-rearing, nurturing, etc. Being a single white female in your surroundings is a rarity, plus the fact that you’re not about playing into the “helpless” woman looking to latch on to a sugar daddy to help you get through your days. Your independence makes you a brick wall and you get sturdier every day, but I’m glad to see it hasn’t hardened you. 🙂