Part 6
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
I’m off to a specialist in the morning about my knee. Almost three weeks off from training and I’m not alright. Doctor said I have to verify it’s not a torn ligament (translation – surgery). Fingers crossed. I don’t think it’s that serious, but for those of you that know me well and what gets thrown in my direction….ack….all I can say for the rest of you is this, I must have been one evil motherfucker in a past life…I hope it was fun…
Anyhow, this whole situation is ridiculous. I’ve got friends out here who have been training and fighting for years and are fine. No serious injuries ever. I watch my ass, take supplements, stretch every day, eat right, sleep as much as I can….then one day I get an email from a friend telling me a friend of his will be in Chiang Mai and could use a contact. Cool. I meet up with the kid, he’s cool as hell, and convince him to come train as he’s been in the sport for five years. A week later, he shows up and within two hours, tops lays me out. I’ve been saving for this trip for something like three years…He only came back once, and is now safe back in Toronto….next time I’m within a six foot radius of that kid, I’m wearing a helmet.
…Just got off the phone with a monk. He’s going to pray and do a ritual for my knee tonight…
If the news is bad and I’m out for awhile, there’s a good chance I’m splitting north to a temple in the mountains by the Burmese border to live with the monks.
If I can’t train my body, I’m going to use this as an opportunity to strengthen my mind.
I’ll keep you posted.
Part 1: Ailments, Injuries And Dreams.
Part 2: Impressions And Settling In.
Part3: Muay Thai Training And The Healing Begins.
Part 4: Muay Thai Training Video.

First massage, then a little bit of that spiritual healing with the monk. As harsh as Muay Thai can get, it seems that the powers of healing can be provided in Thailand as well.