Part 2
Part 1: Ailments, Injuries And Dreams
Monday, January 22, 2007
San Kamphaeng….Week 3
Hey Everyone.
Things are getting easier out here. Weather’s getting warmer, I’m getting used to everything. Basically I’m loving it.
O yeah and I met my neighbours. Know how I said they were like people from my hometown? Scratch that. These people are happy and friendly. They’re cool as hell. Glad I didn’t poison their dog……
So yeah, you guys keep asking me about Thailand and I keep writing about dogs and my neighbours…..to be honest with you, I have no fucking clue. Until I pick up the language, I’m scratching the surface here. There’s a lot of things that are familiar, different, and both at the same time. Like I said, things start feeling normal. What else? For the most part, everyone here is great with me, and from what I understand, the other Farang* training here (numbers are big, I think the biggest ever. I think there’s something like 6 of us). Anyhow, I still get screwfaces from some locals and I’ve been able to pick up when they’re talking nasties about me, but whatever, that’s expected I guess. I rather be the one judged than feel the need to satisfy my ego by shit talking someone else.
Good things so far….
Training Is Challenging.
Lost 5lbs in the last week. Was told I need to drop another 10….taking it easy on the running. Feel like I’m going to blow out my knees. Sucks, but it is what it is. Been shadow boxing on a tire instead; I’m going to try to run again tomorrow. I’m way behind everyone in the running. Before I had to stop, I was running about 3-4 km, twice a day if I could handle it, which is probably why my knees are fucked; I couldn’t. These guys, Farang included, run anywhere from 7 – 10 km, up to twice a day….

Thai Massage.
I think I finally found something to heal all my past injuries (for those of you that know what I’ve been dealing with after I got nailed by a car a few years back). Found this place for the blind. A bunch of them live together and give massages as a living. I can’t speak the language and I can’t even talk with my hands, and they’re healing me. It’s incredible. Also great to know my money is going to people who really could use it.
Went To The Temple For The First Time To Hang.
I’ve been running around the grounds here and there, but I wanted to chill there and do some reading. Wasn’t sure how I’d be received. When I run, the monks refuse to make any eye contact with me and I wasn’t sure what that was about (I was told to run there, so I wasn’t doing anything weird). Didn’t take it personally, but I wasn’t sure if maybe I should. ? Ha. Anyhow, found a spot to read, and after a while a monk came up from behind me, handed me a grocery bag FULL of fruit, chocolate and soymilk. All he said was, ‘For you, Happy New Year’ and took off. ? I can’t believe how happy that made me. Surprised I didn’t skip and sing all the way home…Actually, I did, just on the inside…..meh…but yeah, that’s one thing I’m picking up out here. The people I’ve come across at the temple are COMPLETELY different than what I’m used to and now expect from the majority of church goers back home. Translation. No judgement.

Went To A Fight About 2 -3 Hours From Here A Few Nights Ago.
In the mountains. Near the Myanmar (Burmese) border. Somewhere around Fang. Wherever the hell it was, it made this place look like the big city….I woke up after taking a nap in the back of the pickup, before we hit the fight and thought, I’m at a police station, I have no idea what town I’m in, I can’t speak the language. I’m illiterate, I haven’t seen a non-Thai for the past couple of hours of driving, I don’t know anyone I’m with’s full name, and I’m surrounded by men and teenage boys. Should I be bugged out? Then I thought, Nah fuck it.
Things that would just be a bad idea back home just seem alright out here. People seem way more trusting. I mean, I had a woman, who I had just met through a friend, offer me free room and board while I’m here. Had to turn it down due to politics, but she offered it to anyone I considered a friend…(any takers?…….).
But back to the fight. One thing I noticed…. these guys just fight, there’s no tough guy fronting. None of that shit. And I love it. They go in, get murderous, and get out. No cowboy antics. No sideshows, no productions. And they treat each other with integrity afterwards. Anyhow, the fights that night were good, our guys did well. One thing I’ll say about the mountains though, they’re fucking cold. I think it got down to around 30F. I bought a scarf, gloves, and I was all wrapped in a blanket and I think I still went blue from the ride home in the back of the pickup….but I’m starting to feel my toes now. I guess. ?..eeesh…
The Moon Out Here Is Ridiculous.
The last two nights, it has had the intensity of an eclipse. A thin slice at the bottom radiating white gold against a velvety black sky littered w/diamonds…lalalalala…
I think that’s about it.
Part 3 of this series next week.
*Farang is the Thai word for Foreigner of non-South East Asian decent.

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