The photos in this series were taken from The Ventura Pier in Ventura, California, USA. The associated commentary on this piece, essentially, what I’m writing you now, has been done in retrospect, meaning, quite awhile after these photos were posted. Why you may ask? Because I was quite the freak while taking these photos; I was suffering from quite a bit of re-entry shock after spending 3.5 years in Thailand.
Ventura was my first destination after leaving Asia as I flew from Bangkok to Los Angeles then rode to nearby Ventura to stay with my brother. These photos, amongst others in the series, are representative of that time. I was having a lot of difficulty writing, so I chose to take a lot of photos. In retrospect, I can see how the colours chosen while editing, in addition to the subject matter, reflected my mental haze. I was also freezing. I spent a lot of my time in Ventura simply trying to stay warm. I was there in late May/early June.
On to the subject of this series – The Ventura Pier and its incredible view.
The Ventura Pier was built in 1872 and has been serving the community since that time. Originally, the pier operated as the anchor of Ventura County’s construction, agricultural and oil trade as traveling to Ventura by land was difficult. Today, it acts as a meeting point and a local fishing destination. A restaurant, snack shop and a bait shop may all be found there. The Ventura Pier stands 1958 feet long and is the longest pier in California.
I thought it was a perfect place to take panoramic shots of Ventura.
The Ventura Pier Address:
750 Harbor Blvd
Ventura, CA 93001
Directions: Travel the 101 Freeway to Seaward Avenue. Turn towards the ocean, then turn right onto Harbor Blvd. Take the second entrance on the left (approximately one half mile down).
Other posts in this series include: The Beaches of Santa Barbara, California, USA; Stearns Wharf, Santa Barbara, California, USA; The Ventura Coast; and Ventura, California, USA.

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